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"Drag-Drop Form Password Manager and Form-Auto-Fill Portable is a tool."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Drag-Drop Form is portable password manager and Form-Auto-ki login URL, user name, password, passwords, fill out the credit card number, tool, E-Mail, phone numbers, and words and sentences you use frequently, and other such private information.

Drag-Drop Form a docking window into which you should be able easily drag and displays your user name, password and other information on the web form drop. Drag-Drop Form can also store multiple groups of text - and all other OLE drag and drop them, drop-mode supported programs, so Drag-Drop Form can be used as an exclusive entry tool.

Drag-Drop Form is portable software there is no need to install - just copy and a computer desktop. exe file, paste, or to another location and is available immediately may be. All data is encrypted with AES with a-or-more data files are saved (Advanced Encryption Standard). Exe file and you can save your data files to a USB device and run Drag-Drop Form can use any computer. Version 7.2.8 is a bug fixing release. Drag-Drop Form 7.2.8 free download now you can.

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